Sunday, December 21, 2008

Articles - Global Warming


A new study commissioned by WWF which combines state-of-the art climate models with latest scientific knowledge on penguin ecology clearly demonstrates that Antarctic penguins are in jeopardy. The research shows that 50% of the colonies of the iconic Emperor penguin and 75% Adelie penguin colonies face marked decline or disappearance if global temperature is allowed to rise 2°C above preindustrial levels. 2°C global warming could be a reality in less than 40 years; reduced sea ice coverage and thickness would make it increasingly diffi cult for some penguins to
hunt and to breed1.

Global warming and Antarctica

Although far from the centers of human population, Antarctica has important relevance to human-caused global warming. Over the past 50 years, human activities - burning of fossil fuels and the clearing of forests for agriculture - have led to large-scale changes in the global climate, including altered wind patterns, increases in air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and global sea level rise. The Antarctic Peninsula is among the regions that is warming the fastest and the melting of its glaciers is contributing to global sea level rise.
Not only does Antarctica play an important role in the global climate system, it is also home to unique species which are found nowhere else on Earth. Whales, seals, penguins
and other seabirds thrive on abundant, fi sh, krill and other plankton in the Southern Ocean. Lichens, mosses and bacteria can be found in the coldest, darkest, harshest parts
of the continent. These species are part of our planet’s rich and biodiverse heritage. They enrich and infl uence the culture of human civilization and continue to capture the imagination
of generations.

50% of the colonies of the iconic Emperor penguin and 75% Adelie penguin colonies face marked decline or disappearance if global temperature is allowed to rise 2°C above pre-industrial levels.


Currently, approximately 50% of Emperor penguin colonies, representing almost 40% of the total world population, as well as 75% of colonies and about 70% of the total world population of Adélie penguins exist north of 70° S. The signifi cant lessening of sea ice projected at these latitudes by 2025-2070, should have negative effects on these colonies3. Therefore, by the time
mean global atmospheric temperature rises to 2°C above pre-industrial levels – a possibility that could take place in fewer than 40 years - we can expect major reductions and changes in the abundance and distribution of pack-ice penguins.
The only way to significantly reduce the risks of climate change in Antarctica as well as globally is to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Scientifi c fi ndings are clearly showing that emissions reduction must be much stronger than currently planned if dangerous global impacts of climate change are to be avoided4. Even with ambitious emission cuts, however, damages will be large: any impact that occurs below a global atmospheric temperature rise of 1°C is now
unavoidable. It is imperative that action is taken to conserve ecosystems in their changed environment and help them build resilience against the effects of climate change. Research shows that depleted ecosystems have the least resilience to changing climate.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Recruitment Drive 2009

Organizing Committee List

Ketua Projek: Eng Ruo Yun
Penolong Ketua Projek I: Lee Jie Shern
Penolong Ketua Projek II: Lim Yenn Yinn
Setiausaha: Chong Seow Wei
Bendahari: Ang Hui Mei

Bahagian Publisiti:
Yee Kae Shen (H)
Kim Ying Yi (A)
Brenda Ng
Khor Yin Ling
Rachel Wong
Wong Hoong Ming
Pang Jian Yong

Bahagian Jualan:
Tee Yee Teng (H)
Lee Shu Ying (A)
Shum Siu Yin
Wong Siew Kuan
Teh Lee Min
Chong Jien Yeap
Guo Kuen

Bahagian Pameran:
Yong Win Sheng (H)
Stephanie Chin (A)
Tham Ying Ying
Ng Wai Yean
Wong Yoke Puai
Joo Seng

Yee Hui Sin
Goh Tian Jun
Teo Wei Lin

Monday, November 24, 2008

Notice - Gerko AJK Meeting 25/11

DATE: 25/11/2008 (Tuesday)
TIME: 8.45 am - 11.45 am

A Gerko meeting will be held on this Tuesday (25/11/2008). Attendance is compulsory for all AJKS. Those who have problem or can't attend for the meeting, please contact Ruo Yun (Head of Gerko project) at 012-2310355.

Please be punctual. Thank you !!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Notice - Official Meeting 26/9

There will be a meeting on next Friday (26/9/08). Attendance is compulsory for all members. Please be punctual!!

Time: 12.40pm - 1.30pm
Venue: A110 (5S5)

LAS Gotong Royong 2008

Organizing Committee List

Chairperson: Tham Ying Ying
Vice Chairperson: Khor Yin Ling
Secretary: Chong Seow Wei
Treasurer: Teh Lee Min

Quarter Master:
Wong Vooi Keat (H)
Ang Hui Mei (A)
Wong Siew Kuan

Tee Yee Teng (H)
Daphne Ng (A)
Chin Sze Man

Yee Kae Shen
Rachel Wong
Brenda Ng
Yong Win Sheng
Lee Jie Shern
Wong Yoke Puai

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fish Pond Cleaning Report

The last contribution of LAS before the school holidays was the fish pond cleaning activity. It was held on 15 August 2008 (Friday).

We did a number of things on that fateful day. In short, we cleaned the fish pond, remove excessive algae and replaced the murky water with fresh, clean water, and in the process, killed a few fishes too -- But more of that later.

We began by catching the fishes from the pond. LAS owns one fish net that could barely hold a koi, nevertheless a Bandaraya. Therefore we opted for the traditional method, which is by using our bare hands to catch the fishes. However, we did improvise a little by using a wire netting to 'trap' the fish in a corner before scooping it up with a pail. Or catching it using the hands-on method whenever the pail method proves to be unsuccessful.

Ingenious? Hmm.. you'll have to judge us on that.

The process was tiring and occasionally frustrating. It was very trying for the LAS members though. Catching fish isn't as easy as it seems. Still, it was accomplished eventually. The fishes were situated in pails whilst the cleaning process went on. Algae and moss were scrubbed, and the ancient bird statue was repositioned in order to ease the cleaning process.

By then, the fishes were already surfacing for oxygen. It was a worrying sight indeed.

The exciting part has barely begun. We are only just about at it.

Sorry to be a disappointment, but the story ends here. We'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Casualties: 4

It was the largest number in LAS history and was very, very daunting indeed. Still, there's room for improvement. Keep up the good(?) work, guys (and girls)!

Notice - PMR Break

ATTN: FORM 3 members

You are all officially on PMR break starting today, which also falls on the 19th August 2008.

Study hard and obtain good results in your examinations!


Lembaga Alam Sekitar

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

PJ Envirochallenge 2008


DATE: 30 August 2008 (Saturday)
TIME: 7.00am (Registration), 8.00am (Start)
VENUE: Civic Hall carpark, Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya

"ENVIROCHALLENGE PJ 2008" is a treasure hunt activity where participants have to answer the question at every check point.

Every participant must bring one recyclable item.

Lunch will be provided.

*To those who are interested, please form groups of 4 members (no more, no less) and notify Tian Jun or Ying Yi by this Saturday(16/8).

Notice - Official Meeting 15/8

Please be notified that there will be a meeting this Friday (15/8/08). Attendance is compulsory for all members as this meeting is very important.

Bring along your LAS t-shirt (PJPK t-shirt) and PJPK shorts.

Time: 1.00pm - 4.30pm
Venue: A110 (5S5)

* Please eat your lunch before coming!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Executive Committees 08/09

President : Yee Hui Sin
Vice-President I : Teo Wei Lin
Vice-President II : Goh Tian Jun
Secretary : Kim Ying Yi
Asst. Secretary : Brenda Ng
Treasurer : Lim Yenn Yinn
Asst. Treasurer : Ang Hui Mei
Head of Discipline : Lee Shu Ying
Asst. Head of Discipline : Lee Jie Shern

Head of Publicity : Stephanie Chin
Asst. Head of Publicity : Yee Kae Shen
Head of Equipment : Ng Wai Yeen
Asst. Head of Equipment : Yong Win Sheng
Head of Resource Gardens : Shum Siu Yin
Asst. Head of Resource Gardens I : Wong Yoke Puai
Asst. Head of Resource Gardens II : Rachel Wong Poh Lye
Afternoon Session Representative : Chee Kit Yan
Asst. Afternoon Session Representative: Wong Fook Jian

Teacher Advisors:
Pn. Chan Moi (H)
Miss Teoh Yin Suan
Pn. How Ching Tai
Pn. Goh Lay Hong
Mr. Chan Foi Onn (PKS)

Notice - Gardening 8/8

Please be notified that there will be a gardening session this Friday (8/8/08).

Bring along your LAS t-shirt (PJPK t-shirt) and PJPK shorts.

Time: 12.50pm - 2.30pm
Venue: Gather at LAS room

* Do eat your lunch before coming!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Notice - Thank You Message


Our gratitude is extended especially towards the
ex-members and ex-Ex Cos!

Even so, without the presence of all members present, this gathering will not be the success it is.

We hope that you have enjoyed yourselves tremendously on that special day. At the same time, we also apologize profusely -- should we happen to offend you during this gathering.

Organizing Committees
LAS Gathering 2008

LAS Gathering Report

The annual LAS gathering was held on 3 August 2008 (Sunday). Our gathering began with a short introduction by our Program Department head, Lee Shu Ying. Members who had turned up were divided into 5 groups -- Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue and Green. Instead of painstakingly reading about what fun we had, why not let the pictures do their talking?

Head of Program Department
Lee Shu Ying

LAS Gathering 2008

Organizing Committee List

Chairperson : Yee Hui Sin
Vice-Chairperson : Goh Tian Jun
Secretary : Kim Ying Yi
Treasurer : Lim Yenn Yinn

Program Department:
Lee Shu Ying (H)
Ang Hui Mei
Brenda Ng
Chee Kit Yan

Food Department:
Stephanie Chin (H)
Yong Win Sheng
Wong Yoke Puai
Teo Wei Lin

QM Department:
Ng Wai Yeen (H)
Yee Kae Shen
Wong Fook Jian

Cleanliness Department:
Shum Siu Yin (H)
Rachel Wong

Executive Committees 07/08

President : Chin Pei Jin
Vice-President I : Eugene Wong Wen Yew
Vice-President II : Hong Jia Jing
Secretary : Phoong Bo Jun
Asst. Secretary : Joseph Thong
Treasurer : Chiew Li Sian
Asst. Treasurer : Celeste Shim
Head of Discipline : Cheong Kah Kit
Asst. Head of Discipline : Yee Hui Sin
Head of Publicity : Kwan Soon Hong
Asst. Head of Publicity : Lim Yenn Yinn
Head of Equipment : Lim Ji Shyan
Asst. Head of Equipment : Goh Chia Li
Head of Resource Gardens : Tan Hao Yuan
Asst. Head of Resource Gardens I : Foo Fang Yin
Asst. Head of Resource Gardens II : Stephanie Chin
Afternoon Session Representative : Wong Hoong Ming

Teacher Advisors:
Pn. Chan Moi (H)
Miss Teoh Yin Suan
Pn. How Ching Tai
Pn. Goh Lay Hong
Mr. Chan Foi Onn (PKS)